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How much impact have we achieved?
50% of waste generated by companies is not sorted. While 34% of office waste is organic, i.e. compostable, it must be managed sustainably to achieve Net Zero goals.
Compocity's mindset service has been offering solutions to turn eco-anxiety into tangible experiences since 2023, see what we can do with the help of your communities!
Our results until 2024
planted urban greeneries
based on the Japanese Miyawaki mini-forest method with biodiversity booster accessories
CompoBot installed
within the framework of the annual service
square meters of area
we carried out reclamation activities using CompoMix in urban environments
liters of CompoMix
created from corporate office-made food scraps

What can a compobot do already in its first year?
728+ kg
soil regenerator created from treated food waste
4368+ kg
avoided CO2e emissions
daily reach of environmentally conscious users
urban plant supported by soil regenerator
nourishing forest
and habitat creation
The CompoMix produced at our partners' locations is returned to nature during our urban planting events using the Japanese Miyawaki method.

Cities where we gave back to the environment in Hungary

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